And here it is, the first battle report:
I was facing vanilla marines in a 1500 point game. The board was a Citadel Realm of Battle Board with a large amount of terrain including some short plateaus that counted as area cover with a 4+ cover save.
Points: 1500 points
Factions: Marines vs. Recently Turned Renegades
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Dawn of War
Victor: Me
Perspective: Mine
Notes: Lots of cover
My Army: 3 tac squads with one split into combat squads and stuck in a razorback, a captain in the razorback with the combat squad, a bike squad w/ attack bike, vindicator, land speeder, dreadnought, librarian
His Army: 4x Tac Squads including 1 rhino, chaplain, captain, combi predator, 10 scouts, 2 assault squads, dreadnought
Deployment: He deployed first. He put his 10 man scout squad on a plateau and a tac squad with the chaplain on open ground ready to charge forward. He put these in the middle.
I deployed 2 tactical squads including the razor squad with the captain. I put one tactical squad on a plateau, the missile section of the tac squad on a small plateau, and the captain and assault combat squad in the razorback. This was all on the right side.
Turn 1:
His Turn:
Movement: He moved his tac squad forward.
Shooting: He ran his tac squad. He shot his snipers at my full squad in the plateau and killed one marine.
Assault: N/A
My Turn:
Movement: I moved the Razorback forward 6 in.
Shooting: I shot the Razorback, the tac squad and the combat squad with the missile launcher at the tac squad and reduced them to three marines including chaplain.
Assault: N/A
Turn 2:
His Turn:
Reserves: His assault squad came in and deep striked off the table. His Annihilator came in by the scouts. His Rhino Squad and and Dreadnought came in on the far right. A tac squad with a captain came in on the left.
Movement: He moved his 3 man squad behind cover. He moved his Rhino and Dreadnought up on the right flank.
Shooting: He shot the scouts at the same squad and did nothing. He blew up my razorback with his combi predator.
Assault: N/A
My Turn:
Reserves: A land speeder, dreadnought, and tac squad came in on the left. A vindicator came in on the right. A bike squad came in on the middle. A terminator squad plus librarian came in by the dreadnought. Note that the land speeder immobilized itself on a temple of skulls.
Movement: My now rideless combat squad moved up towards the 3 man squad in the middle. The terminators, dreadnought, and bikes advanced in the middle. The moment all this stuff got there there would be a massive battle. The left tactical squad moved up towards the enemy tactical squad with the captain. My vindicator moved into sight of the rhino and dreadnought.
Shooting: I blew up the predator with the combined fire of the terminators and bike squad. The three man squad perished to the firepower of the combat squad with captain. His captain's squad on the left died after some lucky shooting by a dreadnought, a land speeder, a tactical squad, and a far reaching missile that killed the captain. The full tactical squad on the plateau killed some scouts. My vindicator blew up the dreadnought.
Assault: N/A
Unfortunately, at this point he decided to surrender because he had only one more tactical squad in reserve and around seven scouts and a squad in a rhino. But a victory is a victory. One point for the Iron Flames/Imperium.
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