Saturday, October 30, 2010

Coming Soon: Fluff(But first the news)

(Note: For the campaign map, download this document and go to the 12th page. Use the Port Maw sub-sector map. Change the following names:
Port Maw= Beltax IX(Capital)
TR/0524/GS/PW-L= Dreth(Civilized World[Temperate])
Acre= Kelvun(Agri-World[Farmlands])
Marinas= Ferrigot(Iron Flames Homeworld[Volcanic World])
Electris= Velshew(Forge World[Forge World/Temperate])
GS/PC04 "Walpurgis"= Porcet(Penal World[No Atmosphere])
Aeolus= Hellworld(Death World[Jungle World])
Kuegan= NP/0525/NT/UO-P(Uninhabited System[Desert World])
Ortho= Chalybus(Mining World[High Surface Radiation-Underground Cities])
Killiman IV= Duther VI(Hive World[Hives/Temperate])
Lethe= Aquatoren(Civilized World[Ocean World])
Bretz= Corth(Civilized World[Temperate])
Feel free to ask any questions.)

++ Begin Transmission ++

Iron Flames Headquarters
Priority: High

Message Content:

After Action Report:

My Lord Domus,
Whilst deploying our forces on this world, Epistolary Tensonn detected a disturbance. A small force of marines was split off from our main force and sent to investigate. We lost vox communication with them, but since there was a meteor shower occurring at the time, we assumed the falling meteors were interfering. We still had not heard from them for a day after the meteor shower ended, so another force was detached to investigate. When they arrived, they found most of the first force dead of bolter shots. While they were investigating, they found the remaining members of the force. They had painted their armor red with blood and etched unholy symbols onto their weapons and shoulder pads. Our force promptly opened fire and after a short and easy battle, the enemy turned tail and fled. The loyal marines immediately set off in pursuit and destroyed the traitor marines. However, a band of chaos marines ambushed them while they were returning to base. They called for reinforcements and we despatched two Thunderhawks to aid them. With these reinforcements, we destroyed the chaos forces. We suspect that they came in under the cover of the meteor shower and recommend that meteor showers be watched in the future.

Captain Igneus Palma, Iron Flames 3rd Company

++ Transmission Ends ++

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