Saturday, October 30, 2010

Current World Control

Beltax IX(Capital)-Imperium
Dreth(Civilized World[Temperate])-Hidden Dark Eldar Station/Imperium
Ferrigot(Iron Flames Homeworld[Volcanic World])-Space Marines
Velshew(Forge World[Forge World/Temperate])-Imperium
Porcet(Penal World[No Atmosphere])-Space Marines/Chaos(Contested)
Hellworld(Death World[Jungle World])-Tyranids
NP/0525/NT/UO-P(Uninhabited System[Desert World])-Orks
Chalybus(Mining World[High Surface Radiation-Underground Cities])-Chaos
Duther VI(Hive World[Hives/Temperate])-Necron Tomb World/Imperium(Contested)
Aquatoren(Civilized World[Ocean World])-Imperium
Corth(Civilized World[Temperate])-Tau

Note that it takes the majority of wins of at least two games totaling 3000 points or more to completely control a planet.You must say that you are attacking this world.

Coming Soon: Fluff(But first the news)

(Note: For the campaign map, download this document and go to the 12th page. Use the Port Maw sub-sector map. Change the following names:
Port Maw= Beltax IX(Capital)
TR/0524/GS/PW-L= Dreth(Civilized World[Temperate])
Acre= Kelvun(Agri-World[Farmlands])
Marinas= Ferrigot(Iron Flames Homeworld[Volcanic World])
Electris= Velshew(Forge World[Forge World/Temperate])
GS/PC04 "Walpurgis"= Porcet(Penal World[No Atmosphere])
Aeolus= Hellworld(Death World[Jungle World])
Kuegan= NP/0525/NT/UO-P(Uninhabited System[Desert World])
Ortho= Chalybus(Mining World[High Surface Radiation-Underground Cities])
Killiman IV= Duther VI(Hive World[Hives/Temperate])
Lethe= Aquatoren(Civilized World[Ocean World])
Bretz= Corth(Civilized World[Temperate])
Feel free to ask any questions.)

++ Begin Transmission ++

Iron Flames Headquarters
Priority: High

Message Content:

After Action Report:

My Lord Domus,
Whilst deploying our forces on this world, Epistolary Tensonn detected a disturbance. A small force of marines was split off from our main force and sent to investigate. We lost vox communication with them, but since there was a meteor shower occurring at the time, we assumed the falling meteors were interfering. We still had not heard from them for a day after the meteor shower ended, so another force was detached to investigate. When they arrived, they found most of the first force dead of bolter shots. While they were investigating, they found the remaining members of the force. They had painted their armor red with blood and etched unholy symbols onto their weapons and shoulder pads. Our force promptly opened fire and after a short and easy battle, the enemy turned tail and fled. The loyal marines immediately set off in pursuit and destroyed the traitor marines. However, a band of chaos marines ambushed them while they were returning to base. They called for reinforcements and we despatched two Thunderhawks to aid them. With these reinforcements, we destroyed the chaos forces. We suspect that they came in under the cover of the meteor shower and recommend that meteor showers be watched in the future.

Captain Igneus Palma, Iron Flames 3rd Company

++ Transmission Ends ++

Monday, October 25, 2010

More Essential Information(MEI)

If you feel that a faction should ally with another faction and can come up with a good reason for it, I'll combine those factions. Please do not suggest space marines join the imperium because I don't want the imperials overpowered.

Please Read

If you have two armies of the same faction such as daemons vs. chaos marines or wolves vs. dark angels, pick one side to be the side of that type and the other to be another faction. For instance, you could make the wolves wolves and the dark angels renegades.

First Battle Report!

And here it is, the first battle report:

I was facing vanilla marines in a 1500 point game. The board was a Citadel Realm of Battle Board with a large amount of terrain including some short plateaus that counted as area cover with a 4+ cover save.

Points: 1500 points
Factions: Marines vs. Recently Turned Renegades
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Dawn of War
Victor: Me
Perspective: Mine
Notes: Lots of cover

My Army: 3 tac squads with one split into combat squads and stuck in a razorback, a captain in the razorback with the combat squad, a bike squad w/ attack bike, vindicator, land speeder, dreadnought, librarian
His Army: 4x Tac Squads including 1 rhino, chaplain, captain, combi predator, 10 scouts, 2 assault squads, dreadnought

Deployment: He deployed first. He put his 10 man scout squad on a plateau and a tac squad with the chaplain on open ground ready to charge forward. He put these in the middle.

I deployed 2 tactical squads including the razor squad with the captain. I put one tactical squad on a plateau, the missile section of the tac squad on a small plateau, and the captain and assault combat squad in the razorback. This was all on the right side.

Turn 1:
His Turn:
Movement: He moved his tac squad forward.
Shooting: He ran his tac squad. He shot his snipers at my full squad in the plateau and killed one marine.
Assault: N/A

My Turn:
Movement: I moved the Razorback forward 6 in.
Shooting: I shot the Razorback, the tac squad and the combat squad with the missile launcher at the tac squad and reduced them to three marines including chaplain.
Assault: N/A

Turn 2:
His Turn:
Reserves: His assault squad came in and deep striked off the table. His Annihilator came in by the scouts. His Rhino Squad and and Dreadnought came in on the far right. A tac squad with a captain came in on the left.
Movement: He moved his 3 man squad behind cover. He moved his Rhino and Dreadnought up on the right flank.
Shooting: He shot the scouts at the same squad and did nothing. He blew up my razorback with his combi predator.
Assault: N/A

My Turn:
Reserves: A land speeder, dreadnought, and tac squad came in on the left. A vindicator came in on the right. A bike squad came in on the middle. A terminator squad plus librarian came in by the dreadnought. Note that the land speeder immobilized itself on a temple of skulls.
Movement: My now rideless combat squad moved up towards the 3 man squad in the middle. The terminators, dreadnought, and bikes advanced in the middle. The moment all this stuff got there there would be a massive battle. The left tactical squad moved up towards the enemy tactical squad with the captain. My vindicator moved into sight of the rhino and dreadnought.
Shooting: I blew up the predator with the combined fire of the terminators and bike squad. The three man squad perished to the firepower of the combat squad with captain. His captain's squad on the left died after some lucky shooting by a dreadnought, a land speeder, a tactical squad, and a far reaching missile that killed the captain. The full tactical squad on the plateau killed some scouts. My vindicator blew up the dreadnought.
Assault: N/A

Unfortunately, at this point he decided to surrender because he had only one more tactical squad in reserve and around seven scouts and a squad in a rhino. But a victory is a victory. One point for the Iron Flames/Imperium.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm going to allow any faction in the 40k universe as long as you can justify it being here. Don't worry, this can be simple, like an ork waaagh! tumbling out of the warp or something.

Calling all forces!

++ Start Transmission ++

Beltax IX
Sector Command
Priority: Highest

Message Content:

This is Beltax IX Sector Command. We have come under attack by hostile enemy forces. Requesting assistance. I repeat, we have come under attack by hostile enemy forces. Please respond, please respond. Several outlying systems have been taken.

++ Transmission Ends ++

The campaign has started! If you wish to join, all you have to do is comment or send me an email at containing a list of the forces you will use. You don't have to have the models for them, but I will be making sure you don't have to big of a force. These forces will change overtime as stated below. You may submit one battle report per week. A report must contain the following: forces involved in the battle, type of battle(regular, planetstrike, apocalypse, etc.), a brief description of the battle, what planet on the soon-to-be put up sector map you have attacked, and what your casualties were. The last bit is important because your forces will increase and decrease because of casualties and reinforcements overtime. Your reinforcements will be determined by me, so no giving yourself an entire chaos legion, space marine chapter, ork waaagh, etc.
You can report battles by commenting. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or email me.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Welcome to the Fang, the home of the Space Wolves chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. I intend this to be a resource for all Space Wolf players and as such, I will be posting about Wolves. If you would like to become an author for this blog or have any questions, please email me at or leave a comment. I am always willing to discuss tactics, strategies, and fluff with anyone.